23 de juny 2014

Creating customized maps for school trips

Una entrada força interessant que trobareu a G-Learning
Aquestes idees es poden aprofitar per programar i preparar el viatge de fi d'etapa.
En aquest blog també hi ha moltes idees útils per ensenyar i aprendre amb les eines lliures que ens facilita google.

El seu creador Andreas Hofer diu: "One important reason for writing this blog was that it some ways it's a niche product in the bloggoshpere. There are thousands of blogs on teaching with web 2.0 in general and when it comes to mobile learning there are hundreds of blogs on the iPad and iPhone, whereas there is much less on the Google web apps and android. And the great thing about them, they work just great in combination and provide a modern eLearning environment at zero costs as well as an almost complete PLE (personal learning environment)."

1 comentari:

  1. This is truly a personal learning environment for me and for some of my friends. We visit your blog at least once a week to check out new stuffs. I hope you can write more about mobile marketing in general. Cheers!
